
Scope is a concept that the simulator runtime uses to enforce the validity of the setup, and automatically update different parts of the simulation. For example:

  • You cannot use an item while talking to a NPC
  • GDT Inventory is synced when closing inventory
  • If the game crashes, you can’t do anything until you restart it

Currently, there are three scopes in the simulator:

  • Game Scope: The game is running, and the player has control of Link
  • Inventory Scope: The player is looking at the inventory (pressed +)
  • Dialog Scope: The player doesn’t have control of Link (for example, talking to an NPC)

Automatic Scope Management

For the most part, scopes are managed automatically by the simulator runtime based on the command, so you don’t have to worry about them.

For example, consider the following script

get 1 apple
eat 1 apple
get 1 apple

At first, the simulation state is not in any scope. To get an item, you must have control of Link, so the get action requires game, !paused scope, so the simulator automatically activate the game scope by starting a new game.

The next eat action requires game, inventory scope because you need to be in the inventory to eat an item. The simulator infers that you want to pause the game to eat the item, so it automatically activates the inventory scope.

Finally, the last get action requires the game to be not paused, so the simulator automatically deactivates the inventory scope to allow the action to be performed.

Manual Scope Management

Certain actions like pause can be used to change the scope manually. When the scope is activated manually, the simulator will not automatically change the scope until the manual scope is deactivated.

For example, consider the following script, which is the same as above except that it manually pauses the game before eat

get 1 apple
eat 1 apple
get 1 wood # Error!

Now the simulator will not automatically deactivate the inventory scope for get 1 wood. Instead, it will give an error saying you cannot get new item while paused.

Scope Conflict

Another error that the scope system checks for is conflicting scopes. For example, you cannot access inventory while talking to an NPC. This is implemented by you cannot activate inventory scope while the dialog scope is active.

The following script is valid:

sell 1 apple
eat 1 apple

Here, sell activates the dialog scope, and eat deactivates it to activate the inventory scope.

However, if you manually activate the inventory scope before sell, you will have an error because the dialog scope cannot be automatically activated while inventory scope is in use.

talk-to shopkeeper
sell 1 apple
eat 1 apple # Error!


Most commands require the game scope, which can be automatically activated. The only exception is when the game crashes. In this case, you must manually activate the game scope with an action like new-game or reload


Scope can be tested using the !assert-scope command. The special not-paused keyword can be used to test that game is the top-level scope

!assert-scope game
!assert-scope inventory
!assert-scope game not-paused